As You Like It

by William Shakespeare

directed by Rob Melrose


Duke Senior in banishment in the Forest of Arden - Kurt Gundersen
Duke Frederick his brother, usurper of the dukedom - Kurt Gundersen
Amiens a lord attending on Duke Senior - William Martin
Jaques a lord attending on Duke Senior - Nathan Aaron Place
Le Beau a courtier - William Martin
Charles a wrestler - William Boynton
Oliver eldest son of Rowland de Boys - Lasse Christiansen
Jaques middle son of Rowland de Boys - William Martin
Orlando youngest son of Rowland de Boys - Richard Bolster
Adam servant to Oliver - Paul Gerrior
Dennis servant to Oliver - William Martin

Touchstone a clown - David Sinaiko
Sir Oliver Martext a vicar - Lasse Christiansen
Corin a shepherd - Paul Gerrior
Silvius a shepherd - William Boynton
William a country fellow - William Martin
Rosalind daughter to Duke Senior - Elizabeth Bullard
Celia daughter to Duke Frederick - Genevieve Lee
Phebe a shepherdess - Paige Rogers
Audrey a country girl - Lisa Moraschi Shattuck

Production Staff

Costume Design - Raquel Barreto
Sets, Sound and Lights - Rob Melrose
Stage Management -
Enrico Maria Rinaldi
Debra Singer
Niki Groauzer

This production was funded in part by a grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission.