our purpose
Cutting Ball Theater is an experimental theater, presenting plays in our intimate space, to connect Bay Area audiences and artists through shared moments of live storytelling. Our plays center historically-excluded voices and experiences, and challenge the norms of how stories are told. We support artists in exploring their creativity, in working environments where personal well-being is our priority. The Tenderloin of San Francisco is our home, and we are committed to being an accountable partner to our neighbors.
When we say experimental, we mean . . .
We experiment with the “how” of telling stories, onstage: challenging traditions and conventions of American theater, developing methods and techniques, and empowering artists to pursue uncharted pathways to creative outcomes. When you see a play at Cutting Ball, our goal is for you to experience something new.
When we say intimate, we mean . . .
We present our plays in a small “black box” venue where you’re never more than three rows away from the action. We value being up-close to stories, immersed and invested in the world of the play and its characters.
When we say historically-excluded, we mean . . .
American theater (and Western theater, more broadly) - including Cutting Ball - has historically been disproportionately shaped by the stories and voices of the dominant culture: people who are male, white, cisgender, heterosexual, and/or non-disabled. At Cutting Ball, we acknowledge our role in this historical exclusion and are now committed to reseating misrepresented and underrepresented individuals as agents of their own storytelling.
When we say Tenderloin, we mean . . .
The Tenderloin neighborhood is home to individuals and families, including immigrants, people of color, people experiencing poverty and food insecurity, and people who are unhoused. The Tenderloin is also a close community of individuals and families: people who know each other, say “hello” to their neighbors as they pass by, and look out for one another with care. To learn more about the Tenderloin’s history and culture, visit the Tenderloin Museum’s website.
When we say accountable partner, we mean . . .
When Cutting Ball entered the Tenderloin, we joined a greater neighborhood community. We strive to be in partnership with our neighbors to preserve and uplift a culture cultivated by its residents. Recognizing our accountability and power as a storefront business in a neighborhood facing gentrification, we welcome our neighbors in all that we do, share resources, and design programs for our neighbors’ participation.