No Exit
by Jean-Paul Sartre
in a new translation by Rob Melrose
directed by Adriana Baer
Named in the Top Ten stage productions of 2005! by The San Francisco Bay Guardian
Garcin Adam Kenyon Venker
The Bellboy Nick Maccarone
Ines Darcy Brown-Martin
Estelle Danielle O'Hare
Production Team
Directed by Adriana Baer
Scenic & Lighting Design by Jon Brennan
Sound & Original Song by Cliff Caruthers
Stage Managed by Robert McPhee
Assistant Stage Mananged by Laura Davis
Scenic Painting by Michael Locher
The Bay Guardian Raves about No Exit!
"Ah, there it is. That human dignity you always revert to." A lot of good it will do down here too. This is bourgeois hell. It's bad enough the bellboy (Nick Maccarone) talks back in so ominously supercilious a tone; Garcin (Adam Kenyon Venker) finds recourse to the usual evasions offered by civility only feed the beast. And who's the beast? "Hell," goes the famous line, "is other people." A formula for endless torment between Garcin and his roommates Ines (Darcy Brown-Martin) and Estelle (Danielle O'Hare), a precise mixture of the compatible and incongruous. Simple, elegant, and brutal: three words that also apply to Cutting Ball Theater's excellent production of Sartre's 1944 drama, a precursor to the theater of the absurd, presented for the first time in artistic director Rob Melrose's vibrant new translation. Director Adriana Baer helms three well-honed and engrossing performances – framed by Jon Brennan's crisp and spooky scenic-lighting design, Cliff Caruthers's sinister soundscape, and Amy Nielson's immaculately civilized costumes – as desire, sadism, and conscience turn the heat up on the most urbane of infernal settings.